

Men have to wear at least swimming trunks, women wear a two-piece or complete swimming suit.

Wetsuit is compulsory when:
• the water temperature is below +17 degrees Celsius. The lowest temperature for the race is +13 degrees Celsius.

Wetsuit is forbidden if the water temperature in the farthest point of the course in 60cm depth is:
• +22 degrees Celsius/1500 m and under (ETU and ITU Elite 20),
• +23 degrees Celsius/1501-3000 m,
• +24 degrees Celsius/over 3000 m.

Goggles are allowed. All the other aid and equipment are not allowed, including wearing just the top or the bottom of a wetsuit.
Swimming suit when the wetsuit is forbidden:
When the wetsuits are forbidden because of the water temperature, the athlete may wear the maximum of the uniform he/she wears in the bike course. Wearing an extra suit during the swim will lead to disqualification.

Swimming suit when the wetsuit is allowed:
When the wetsuit is allowed, athlete can wear only one wetsuit or equivalent during the swim. The athlete can add outer wear over the uniform when starting the bike leg.


Torso: shirt or equivalent, bottom: at least swimming trunks or swimming suit.
The helmet is obligatory and it must be securely fastened at all times during the bike leg and also in the transition areas when touching the bike. The helmet is always worn and it is locked before taking the bike from the bike rack and opened after the bike is set back on the rack.


Torso: shirt or equivalent, bottom: at least swimming trunks or a swimming suit.